Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Seeking Youth Fitness Club Partnerships or Business Opportunities

The need for programs to educate and serve youth with a goal of preventing and reducing childhood obesity is greater than ever.

While the Fitness Club for Kids could not continue as a not for profit organization our skills, knowledge and dedication to fighting the problem still exists.

If you are interested in partnering or working with members of the Fitness Club for Kids management team feel free to get in touch.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

And so too all good things must pass - Thank You for your support!

These are undoubtedly two of my fondest photos and moments from the two year run of our non-profit organization The Fitness Club For Kids. But like all good things, it too had to come to an end as the nation's and the California state economy has created an environment where running a start-up non profit is very difficult to do. In our two years, the program worked with more than 2,500 children from all parts of Los Angeles County, providing fun and engaging fitness and nutrition education services to children of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

The first photo features a group of children running on their elementary school playground with the towering buildings of downtown LA right in the background. The joy and pleasure seen in these kids faces is just wonderful.

The second photo is from our first Summer Fitness Academy in La Crescenta, CA. More than 150 kids took part in a wide range of fitness activities including: martial arts, obstacle courses, soccer, kick ball, baseball, dancing, pilates and even yoga. The students also ate healthy snacks and learned about nutrition from a certified nutritionist. In the photo you can see students and counselors taking part in a Yoga class under the shade of sycamore trees at Two Strike Park.

There are a lot of people to thank for helping with this organization and the thousands of kids touched by our efforts. To all of our board members, partners, and supporters - Thank You!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Importance of Hydration As Summer Nears

Summer is almost here, and as the days grow longer and warmer more and more kids are at risk from suffering from easily avoidable bouts of dehydration.

Symptoms that indicate dehydration in young children include severe headaches, distorted vision, and ultimately vomiting. It is common for children to appear fine one moment and severely distraught the next and it often is difficult for parents to get their child to rehydrate once the symptoms has kicked in and the child becomes physically ill and often mentally anquished.

Dehydration is the condition a human body reaches when it does not have enough water inside to continue to function properly. Signs of dehydration include being thirsty, feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or tired, having a rapid heartbeat, dry lips and mouth, and dark colored or strong-smelling urine.

Our bodies rehydrates through drinking and eating. Our bodies lose water through sweating, vomiting, suffering from diarrhea, going to the bathroom, and even small amounts are lost through breathing. Sometimes these conditions are caused by sickness, other times these conditions are created through playing outside, participating in sports both indoors and outdoors, and through every day activities at school, home, or at the park.

It is important to remember is that our bodies do not work properly if they are not regularly hydrated. Most of us have been taught that drinking 8 glasses of water a day (64 ounces) will help us avoid becoming dehydrated. In most cases this is true, but if you are sick, or are participating in physical activity in warm or humid conditions your body may need more to continue to ensure your body functions properly.

That is why it is important to remember to drink water before participating in any activity to ensure that your body maintains proper levels of hydration at all times. If you are feeling thirsty, that is a sign that your body is feeling the stress of dehydration – so drinking lots of fluids in advance of any activity is as important as hydrating regularly during any sports or recreation activities you may participate in.

Milk is a good substitute for water, but juices, sodas, sports drinks, and other types of energy drinks are not good replenishment choices, especially for kids. Many of these drinks contain too much sugar, or in some cases small amounts of caffeine which actually makes your body eliminate water from your system - which causes your body to dehydrate more quickly. Water and Milk are the best sources of liquid nutrition and replenishment for young children.

So as the days grow hotter and summer vacations begin, make sure to encourage your children to make healthy choices about when and how much water they drink each day. More importantly, teach your children to listen to their bodies and if the symptoms of dehydration become apparent, instruct them on how to take immediate steps to ensure that their body is not dehydrated and is working properly so they can enjoy a long and fun summer vacation.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fitness Club for Kids Kick Off The Holiday Season In Style at the 32nd Annual Montrose Christmas Parade

More than 65 kids and parents enjoyed a festive evening of holiday cheer as the Fitness Club for Kids participated in the 32nd Annual Montrose Christmas Parade on Saturday December 6, 2008.

Kids rode on the West Coast Boot Camp humvees, in the back of Coach Brent's Four-Wheel Drive Truck, and on bikes and scooters at the head of the group as they traveled down Honolulu Avenue through the crowd estimated at more than 15,000 in attendance.

Here are a few highlights from the event...and Happy Holidays from the Fitness Club for Kids.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Back to School Children’s Health Fair on Saturday August 23, 2008

A brief note we received in the mail recently....

"Hi everyone,

I just wanted to extend my thank you and appreciation to all of you who came to volunteer at our Back to School Children’s Health Fair on Saturday, August 23, 2008 at El Cariso Park. Many of you came from so far away, and it took up your whole day. The event was a big success and we owe it to all of you! We are planning to make it an annual event, and we would love it if you would like to participate again. A more formal thank you is in the mail, but I thought I’d send you my personal thanks along with pictures from the day.

Please feel free to forward on to anyone who attended who might like to see the video or to those I missed. If there are any photos that you would like a copy of, please let me know and I’ll be happy to send you a cd of the photos or you can order a dvd on line directly. Again thank you and enjoy!

Lori Wheeler, Deputy

Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky"

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Join the Fitness Club for Kids at the 32nd Annual Montrose Christmas Parade

Ride In the 32nd Annual Montrose Christmas Parade with the Fitness Club for Kids!

Any Fitness Club for Kid student, or WCBC Boot Camp or Studio client who is interested in letting their children participate in the Fitness Club for Kids entry in the 32nd Annual Montrose Christmas Parade is encouraged to call the studio and RSVP before December 6th.

Meeting locations and contact information will be sent out via email or provided over the phone. Children will have to arrive between 5 and 5:15 p.m. and the parade starts at 6:15 p.m.

For more information or to RSVP please call 818-952-1333.

West Coast Boot Camp's Fitness Club for Kids Sponsors the Run for the Hungry Kids Mile Run

On a sunny crisp Thanksgiving morning, more than 250 kids and parents took to the street to help raise money for the homeless and jump start their holiday with a one-mile run through the city of La Canada, CA.

The Community Center of La Canada-Flintridge organized the event which took place along with a 5k run. Many of the children also ran in the 5K.

Here are a few highlights from the event.

Before the race Adrian led the kids in a stretch and warm up session

Lined up and anticipating the start of the race.

And they're off!

After the race Adrian, Natasha and Jackie (not shown) gave out medals to the kids.